Irene Wilde

Spleen (Narrator's Edition)

The Loneliness of Madness

Thank you for the continued support as I share my most honest work yet.

This album is the belly of the beast, the great purge within "The Blackest Bile's" story arc. And due to this, I've provided the 988 introduction to remind any listener there is help, and it's okay to opt out.

I found myself writing this over the course of my life wanting to see my experience portrayed as someone with their own mental health struggles. And though the album is raw and unrelenting, I wanted to showcase the turth in the battles of a person trying. I wanted to write an album that gave what my younger self was denied - permission to grieve. And I hope, though some tracks are particularly damning, that what is taken from this is the unadulterated resilience one may posess.

I now give you permission to grieve.

with love and hope,

Irene Wilde



ft Heartbeat (Narrator's Edition)

& A Healthy Dose